MTM4501 – Operations Research (Fall 2024-2025)
Instructor Information
Instructors: Hale Gonce Köçken (Gr. 2) and Gökhan Göksu (Gr. 4)
E-mail (HGK): hgonce [at] yildiz [dot] edu [dot] tr
E-mail (GG): gokhan [dot] goksu [at] yildiz [dot] edu [dot] tr
Course Web Site:
General Information
Schedule: Tuesday, 09:00-12:00
Classroom: KMB-203 / Online
Office Hours: Monday, 13:00-16:00
Expectations and Goals
Course Materials
Course Schedule
Week 1 (01.10.2024): Definition of Operations Research (OR) and Its History, Decision Theory: Decision Making Under Certainty, Decision Making Under Risk, Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Week 2 (08.10.2024): Network Analysis: Network Definitions, Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
Week 3 (15.10.2024): No Class
[No Class]
Week 4 (22.10.2024): Shortest Path Algorithms: Dijkstra's Algorithm, Floyd's Algorithm
Week 5 (29.10.2024): Republic Day
[Republic Day]
Week 6 (05.11.2024): Maximal Flow Algorithm
Week 7 (12.11.2024, Joint Session at KMB-202): Review
[In Class Materials]
Week 8 (19.11.2024, 09:00-11:00): Midterm I
Results are announced in!
Week 9 (26.11.2024, Online Session): CPM: Network Representation, Critical Path Computations, Construction of the Time Schedule
Week 10 (03.12.2024, Online Session): Linear Programming Formulation of CPM, PERT, Crashing the Project in CPM
Week 11 (10.12.2024, Online Session): Crashing the Project in CPM (continued)
[In Class Materials]
Week 12 (17.12.2024): Midterm II
Midterm II took place at KMB-211, KMB-224, KMB-320!
Week 13 (24.12.2024): Deterministic Inventory (Stock Control) Models: Economic Order Models (EOQ), Production Models
Week 14 (31.12.2024, Online Session): Queuing Systems: Elements of a Queuing Model, Generalized Poisson Queuing Model, Specialized Poisson Queues, Single-Server Models, Multi-Server Models
Week 15 (07.01.2025): Course Recap, Make-Up Exam
[In Class Materials]
Course Evaluation
Midterm I: 35 %
Midterm II: 25 %
Final: 40 %