MTM5135 – Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Spring 2024-2025)
Instructor Information
General Information
Schedule: Tuesday, 09:00-12:00
Classroom: KMB-329
Office Hours: Tuesday, 13:00-16:00
Expectations and Goals
Course Materials
Tentative Course Schedule
Week 1 (18.02.2025): System Dynamics and State Space Representation, Measurement Outputs, Modern Challenges in Dynamical Systems, Some of the Uses of Models
Week 2 (25.02.2025): Linear vs Nonlinear Systems: Examples of Nonlinear Systems, Superposition Principle, Invariant Sets
Week 3 (04.03.2025): Common Nonlinear Phenomena, Fundamental Properties: Existence and Uniqueness
Week 4 (11.03.2025): Fundamental Properties: Existence and Uniqueness, Second Order Time-Invariant Systems: Phase Portraits and Local Analysis
Week 5 (18.03.2025): Second Order Time-Invariant Systems: Local Analysis and Existence of Periodic Orbits
Week 6 (25.03.2025): Stability Definitions and Solution Characteristics, Lyapunov Stability Analysis: Lyapunov’s Indirect Method, System Energy and “Energy-Like" Functions
Week 7 (01.04.2025): No Class (Eid al-Fitr)
[No Class]
Week 8 (08.04.2025): Lyapunov Functions and Lyapunov’s Stability Theorem
Week 9 (15.04.2025): Midterm Exam
Week 10 (22.04.2025): Lyapunov Theorems for GAS, GES
Week 11 (29.04.2025): Alternative Lyapunov Theorem for GAS with Comparison Functions, Systems with Inputs: ISS, iISS, Strong iISS Systems, Lyapunov Characterizations, Cascade Systems
Week 12 (06.05.2025): Time-Delay Systems (TDS): Notations, GAS, ISS, iISS, LKF Characterizations, Soln Characterizations, Robustness Properties, Cascade Interconnected iISS TDS
Week 13 (13.05.2025): EECI Week
[EECI IGSC 2025 - M10]
Week 14 (20.05.2025): Student Presentations Workshop
Week 15 (27.05.2025): Student Presentations Workshop
Course Evaluation
Midterm: 30 %
Presentation: 15 %
Project Report: 15 %
Final: 40 %